Hi! I hope you have a safe and fun celebration for the new year. Along with the resolutions you are contemplating to make improvements why not consider an Eco resolution that would benefit the Earth and humanity. Let’s work together to create a more secure and healthier future for our children by conserving important resources like water and energy and we can always recycle not only after holidays when we generate more waste but the entire year. If starting the New Year begins with a celebratory popping of a cork, you can kick off your new Eco-resolution with Whole Foods Markets Cork ReHarvest program. Simply drop corks in the ReHarvest box located at all Whole Foods Markets locations and they take it from there. The Keep America Beautiful affiliates are doing a great job with recycling events and collections all year. Check for what your local affiliate is doing on line.
Local Atlanta affiliate, Keep Atlanta Beautiful hosts two recycling events on the 1st and 2nd Saturday of every month collecting household electronics (TV’s, computers, monitors, etc.), #6 Styrofoam, Latex Paint, aluminum food and beverage containers, cardboard, magazines, plastics #s 1-7, all metals, including car parts and household appliances, batteries and offers secure on site paper shredding. Fees may apply to certain items such as paint and some household electronics, please visit http://www.
Recycling saves a lot of resources and reduces green house gas emissions. Also start a back yard compost to amend your gardens soil with. Works to keep food out of landfills which produces methane a powerful greenhouse gas, the rich soil will keep your flowers vibrant and fruits and veggies delicious and disease free without the use of chemical fertilizers.
Happy New Year!